Advanced Audiology Course


For cochlear implant audiologists to improve patient outcomes and care.

Course Full
Upcoming Course Dates
Aug 12
Oct 14, 2025
Live web classes Tuesday evenings 8:30-9:30p EST
Advanced Programming Practicum, Hosted by MED-EL Durham, NC
Oct 23
in collaboration with

The AAC challenges both developing and practicing audiologists who wish to fine-tune their clinical skills and improve patient outcomes via evidence-based practices. It reviews the latest concepts in signal processing, programming skills, objective measures, SSD, electro-acoustic programming, and management of those with challenging etiologies and special needs.

This course includes 10 weeks of online curriculum and web discussions culminating in a hands-on Advanced Programming Practicum.  Each week participants watch (at their convenience) a pre-recorded lecture and post questions on the discussion board before the interactive online web class.  The hands-on practicum highlights case studies and practical applications led by distinguished clinicians. Current practice in cochlear implant case management will maximize the professional growth from this course.  A certificate is awarded to those who successfully complete the training program.

Course Format

Online Didactic Training

10 weekly modules hosted on Blackboard MoodleRooms
  • Pre-recorded video lecture introduces module content (60 - 70 min each) to view at your convenience
  • Suggested reading materials supplement learning concepts
  • Discussion Board posts facilitate networking and interaction with participants and instructors
10 weekly live web classes hosted on Blackboard Collaborate
  • 60-minute interactive classes, one evening per week (Tuesday evenings at 8:30p EST)
  • Facilitated by leading audiologists and researchers in audiology and otology, with expertise in cochlear implants
  • Review and emphasize major points, case discussions, and Q&A

Hands-On Advanced Programming Practicum

Following completion of the online coursework, participants will take part in a 1.5-day hands-on Advanced Programming Practicum, hosted by one of the CI manufacturers.  Audiologists will have the opportunity to refine and develop new skills in programming and troubleshooting devices utilizing all CI software clinically available.  Case studies will be utilized to exemplify clinically relevant concepts presented throughout the course.

Training Topics

Online Curriculum Modules

1. CI Evaluation and Expanded Candidacy

2. Signal Processing Strategies

3. CI Medical Assessment

4.  Evaluating Communication: Post-Op Management and Device Failures

5. CI Mapping Parameters

6. Objective Measures

7. Candidacy and Programming Topics for SSD

8. Maximizing Acoustic Hearing

9. Assistive Technologies and Collaborative Care

10. Surgical Monitoring and Future Direction

Hand-on Advanced Programming Practicum

1. Advanced Programming Parameter Software Overview

2. Case Studies highlighting troubleshooting procedures

3. Q&A led by research and clinical experts


The Thomas Balkany Institute for Cochlear Implant Training is approved by the American Academy of Audiology to offer Academy CEUs for this activity. The program is worth a maximum of 3.0 CEUs. Academy approval of this continuing education activity is based on course content only and does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedure, or adherence of the event to the Academy's Code of Ethics. Any views that are presented are those of the presenter/CE Provider and not necessarily of the American Academy of Audiology.

Speaker Disclosures

Learning Outcomes


Previous experience programming cochlear implants is a prerequisite for this course. Applicants must be able to participate in both the online course and Advanced Programming Practicum.


Link to pay tuition will be sent if application is accepted.

Course Director


Past and Present

Temporal Bone Lab Gallery

Advanced Audiology Course

Participant Reviews

Jordan Coffelt, AuD, CCC-A, F-AAA
Clinical Assistant Professor, Audiology Memphis Speech and Hearing Center

I started recommending the Advanced Audiology Course to other colleagues after completing just one week of the training. The instruction topics were meaningful to my practice and taught by experts in the field that I have admired for years. Learning firsthand from these instructors and being able to directly ask questions regarding their areas of expertise was quite the privilege! The resources that were shared by fellow participants and instructors were also invaluable. Each week I learned things I could immediately integrate into patient care to improve our service delivery. The hands-on practicum gave me the confidence to adjust more advanced programming parameters and make decisions regarding post-operative management using evidence-based practice. I cannot stress enough how practical this course was or the positive ways it has changed the way I provide cochlear implant services. Thank you so much for the energy you poured into making this course a success and meaningful to our clinical practice. It was wonderful! I will miss our discussion board community now that the course is over.

Jenna Hoffman, AuD
St. Luke’s Idaho Elks Rehabilitation Hospital

This course was extremely comprehensive and provided resources that I can implement in my daily practice. I really enjoyed meeting colleagues from around the country and sharing ideas to improve our programs. Thank you for putting together such a unique training.

Jillian Levine-Madoff, AuD
New York Eye and Ear Infirmary

I am so grateful I was able to participate in the Institute for Cochlear Implant Training’s Advanced Audiology Course. It was a unique opportunity to collaborate with experts in the field and further my knowledge of cochlear implants. It helped me stay on top of current research and trends in the field in order to best serve our patients and aim for optimal outcomes. I highly recommend this course as an opportunity to gain insight and build connections with other professionals.

Lavin Entwisle, AuD
NYU Langone Health

The advanced audiology course in cochlear implantation provides evidence-based research from respected clinicians and researchers in the field. I will most definitely use the knowledge I have gained from this course to further improve my clinical skills and decision making for patients with a cochlear implant.

Leslie Rosenthal, AuD
Hofstra Univ. Long Island AuD Consortium

Best Cochlear Implant course I have ever taken! So much useful clinical information packed into a short 10 week period. I honestly have learned so much and will share this information with my 3rd-year Audiology students in the Fall. I will definitely be applying what I have learned clinically and will be recommending this course to my colleagues.

Natalie Bickley, AuD
Greenville Hospital System

The ICIT course really did a good job of informing audiologist of all different levels of CI backgrounds of the current practices. Each of the modules met the audiologist where they were at and brought us to a deeper knowledge of that topic. The topics were well chosen and really covered the vast range of the CI scope of practice for Audiologist. I leaned so much from the instructors and the other participants with the forum discussions. I would highly recommend the course to anyone who is involved with programming CIs.

Stacy L. Douberly, AuD
Penn Medicine/Salus

I really enjoyed collaborating with other audiologists, manufacturer reps, and physicians from our ever-developing subspecialty that is cochlear implants. The course material is presented through detailed online lectures given by world-class experts in our field, and weekly live discussions. The culminating in-person meeting was invaluable.

Keri Colio, AuD CCC-A
Cochlear Implant Clinical Coordinator Rady Children's Hospital San Diego

The Rady Children's Hospital Cochlear Implant Team appreciated the opportunity to participate in the CI Team Efficiency Course. It was incredibly beneficial to connect with other programs and learn from each other. We now have a long list of tips, tricks, and future goals that we are looking forward to implementing and working towards as a team. We feel confident that this course, and our follow-through with implementing what we have learned, will enhance not only our patients' experiences, but also our morale as clinicians working together. You put together an excellent course!

C. Maria Jaunakais, AuD
Albuquerque Hearing and Balance

Every aspect of the ICIT Advanced Audiology Course was valuable. Because the sub-fields of cochlear implant candidacy, mapping, connectivity and troubleshooting are ever evolving, staying up-to-date with these skills is crucial. The materials are well organized and interactively presented by course instructors who just happen to be internationally renown clinicians and researchers. The in-person practicum brought it all together.

Shannon Van Hyfte, AuD
Purdue University

I gained so much from this course that it is difficult to highlight just one or two key elements. The opportunity to learn from experts in this field and to connect to other CI audiologists was invaluable. I gained confidence, knowledge, and practical skills that I have been able to immediately apply to my practice and share with my students. I am incredibly grateful for this course.

